Movie Review - Darling (3/5)

Dear Reader, this will be the last time I’m going to write the actual story for my movie reviews, unless I feel otherwise.

There are 10 friends who just finished with college and decide not to bit farewell to each other but stay friends and meet often in life. A few years later, they meet again. They are all married with kids. The son of Prabhu, Prabhas, and daughter of Ahuti Prasad, Nandini meet there and become “friends”. After that meeting, the story jumps to 10 years later. Prabhas is all grown up and celebrating his own college farewell party. After the party, his friend, Nisha (Shraddha Das) expresses her love for him. However, Prabhas tells her that he has no
such feelings for her. Upset, Nisha attempts suicide. Nisha’s father (Mukesh Rushi), a known rowdy, tries to get Prabhas beat up for not accepting his daughter’s love, yet fails. Prabhas then explains to him that he can’t love Nisha because he already loves Nandini (Kajal). He proceeds my narrating his love story to Nisha’s father.

The story is as follows: A year ago, Prabhas with his friends goes to Switzerland to perform a music concert. There he sees Nandini and falls in love at first sight. However, his friends trick him into promising on his father that he will not say “I Love You” to Nandini. Therefore, Prabhas makes Nandini fall in love with him, and makes her express it, instead of himself. However, due to some unexpected circumstances, Nandini meets with an accident and goes into coma.

Prabhas finishes that story by telling Nisha’s father that he is waiting for Nandini to get better. Nisha’s father gets emotional with the story and leaves Prabhas alone. This is when we find out that the story is really just a story and Prabhas last met Nandini 10 years ago. On the other hand, we also find out that the friends are meeting again and that Prabhas will get to meet Nandini again.

Now the real love story starts! Prabhas meets Nandini, but she seems not to be in good terms with him. On top of that, Rishi, another friend’s son, enters the story. After some rift between the three, Nandini starts liking Prabhas and things start going well for them. (here comes the twist) Rishi attempts to hurt Prabhas and destroy his relationship with Nandini. Except, the plan back fires and Prabhu gets hurt. Upset, Prabhas manhandles Rishi. Prabhu interferes and asks Prabhas to leave them and go back home. Before leaving, Prabhu explains to Prabhas that it is important for Rishi to marry Nandini for their friends to be in good terms. Prabhas, understanding the situation, agrees to leave the place. While leaving, Nandini expresses her love to Prabhas and explains that she has been teasing him all this time and that she loved him since forever. Prabhas leaves without responding and she is crushed.

Nandini’s engagement is being fixed with Rishi. Nandini creates a scene and makes everyone agree to her marriage with Prabhas. In the meanwhile, Nisha’s father find out that the story he heard is a fake and comes to beat up Prabhas in midst of his travel back home. There is a huge fight into which Nandini comes in the middle of and endangers herself, but Prabhas’s saves her and makes Nisha’s father understand their love again. All ends well (like most Telugu movies).

The double love story in the movie is really enjoyable. It is a new style of story telling. The movie mostly concentrates on Prabhas and his looks weren’t up to standards, especially with the baggy clothes. He is the action, the comedy and the romance for the movie, and he did a good job with his acting.

There are many important actors in the movie that are wasted. For example, Kota Srinivas Rao. One might think there is a huge background to his character, but there is nothing. Shraddha Das, Mukesh Rushi, Ahuti Prasad are good actors that are also wasted with minimal roles. Shraddha Das should consider playing a fullpledged mean girl role in the future. Due to minimal roles by such prominent actors, one can say that the characters of this movie are underdeveloped, except for characters of Prabhas and Nandini.

Overall: Narration style of the movie is good. Watch it for Prabhas and Kajal, but no one else. It can be watched in theaters. If not, do watch once out on DVD.

ps. There is no justification to the title "Darling"; at least not like in Bujjigadu.


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