Movie Review - Aa Intlo (1.5/5)

The story and narration style of the movie are hopeless. The narration is way too repetitive with a bunch of non-sense to build up tension for nothing. Most of the characters were unnecessary and underdeveloped. One would think they are up for a real scare once they watch the beginning, but that could be the one freaky thing they see and rest is just some gibberish and confusion. The flashback is not convincing and weak.

Despite the movie being dull, a scene worth mentioning is where Chinna is told that his wife is dead, while she is shown alive to us. Later, He comes home to find her reflection in the mirror missing. Although, this is a rip off from other movies, I felt that the usage of the invisible reflection in this movie is very impressive to scare people.

Overall: Irritating and not a scary movie. However, I appreciate the message – have faith in God and all will be well.


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